Call for Proposals

Are you a local performer, musician or creative artist?
Do you have a creative project that you’d like to make happen in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area?*
We are looking for people, and organisations, to submit ideas for creative projects that could happen in and with local communities. These projects could involve craft, performance, visual arts, music, film, dance, kapa haka, spoken word, or digital arts – anything that has a creative angle to it – and could happen everywhere from the street to theatres, shopping centres or marae.
The main criteria for this programme are:
- to meaningfully involve your community
- to enable arts ans culture opportunities for a wide audience
- projects are led by local people
- projects promote existing and new arts activity in the area
- each project has a strong creative idea behind it
The Creative Henderson-Massey Arts Broker, Renée Tanner, can support you to develop and deliver your creative project or idea, whether this be assisting with funding, or helping to find the right location or people for you to work with.
You can submit your proposal by emailing
Please attach any relevant documents or images you may have to support your proposal. The more information you are able to provide us in the initial stages, the better.
Include the following information in your proposal:
- Your idea and any useful links or images
- Some information about you or your organisation
- Who you would be working with in the community
- Your contact details
- Where you live or how you are connected to the Henderson-Massey area
- What support you need for your project (venue, participants, marketing etc.)
- If you are looking for funding support, please provide details around how much funding you need and what specifically you would use this for
If you would like to talk, or meet up and learn more before submitting a project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Renée on: Mob. 021 1496707 Email: . Please “share” this opportunity among your networks, and sign up to our Newsletter – we’ll then keep you in the loop of events and creative projects in the area. Kia ora!
Renée Tanner, Arts Broker – Creative Henderson-Massey
Supported and funded by the Henderson-Massey Local Board
* Henderson-Massey Local board area has two metropolitan centres at Henderson and Westgate and includes the suburbs of West Harbour, Massey, Ranui, Glendene, Lincoln, Henderson South, Sunnyvale, Te Atatu Peninsula and Te Atatu South.